Municipio Autš®nomo de Cabo Rojo
Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico

Cabo Rojo, Capital del Turismo Interno. Bienvenidos


Escudo de Cabo Rojo


Over 90 mutual friends deleted. If you are a mutual friend of my ex and I, and are still here, you meant too much to me to be deleted. And/Or you weren't apart of the "let's take sides and feed into the bashing on either part" during both of our immature outbursts.

That being said, today I said all I could get off my chest (probably too much and there was rambling on involved).

Regardless, I have made peace with the situation and have chosen to accept the situation of Lyri...c and I's possesions are out of my hands now. I refuse to consume anymore of my pursuit of a better life with anger, spite and outbursts. I will instead have faith that whats best day of my life lyrics for everyone will in time take it's rightful order. I won't speak on the situation or my ex any further. I wish everyone peace, healing, love, life and lots of laughter. I have hopes everyone will find successful placement in the paths we have chosen.

Now, I also ask that anything said, posted, verbalized, etc. that is negative about me, be not passed on to me. It does me no gain knowing about it. Let me focus on Lyric and I and leave the negative out of our present lives. If any quiestions that need answers or positive messages are asked to be passed on that is fine. I just dont need anything negative or unnecessary relayed.

His business is his and his alone, and my business is mine and mine alone.

I'm at peace knowing I have attempted to make peace with my bad choices and pain I inflicted. Now I am moving past it knowing that there is nothing else I can do to take it back. What's done is done. That door is now closed and that chapter of my life is ended. I feel no need to carry anything on from it besides the lessons learned from this day forward.

I also apologize to everyone for witnessing my part in the lashing out and can assure you that behavior will no longer be seen on my end. My dirty laundry will remain private between those involved and I on my end and off facebook and any other social network. I had a lapse of judgement on and off over the past few weeks and I am embarrassed and regretful for my outburts and the levels I took the situation to in attempt to keep our possesions from being sold. I acted out of anger and desperation and lacked reasoning and acted on anger. I'm working on controlling my rash decisions and I am only human.

Sorry for the long rambling but just needed to get it all out there so I can just move forward.


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Megan Townsend's photo.



         Municipio Autš®nomo de Cabo Rojo Calle Betances #28 Cabo Rojo, P.R.   Tel. 787-851-1025   [email protected]
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