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When I waited until the last minute to do my science fair project and it was due the day after Superbowl Sunday, he forfeited watching the game and stood in the driveway to help me. cocktail dresses with sleeves

When I needed school clothes or a new pair of shoes, he bought them.

When I wanted a ridiculously expensive Guess Jeans shirt, he bought that, too.

When I needed money to go on a school field trip, he paid for it.

When I tried on prom dresses, he was waiting outside the dressing room to give his opinion.

When there was a school awards assembly, he was there.

When there was a band concert or halftime performance, he was there.

When I needed a ride to something, he would take me.

When I went away to college, he settled me in.

When I made bad decisions, he was still proud.

When I graduated, he clapped the loudest.

When I chose to be a teacher instead of the lawyer he wanted, he still bragged about me.

When I moved away, he understood.

When I walked down the aisle, he gave me away.

When we were together, he called me his gal.

When I left him, he told me to be sweet.

When he lost his memory, he remembered my name.

When he left this earth, he took my heart.

He was my biggest fan.
His love was unconditional.
His generosity, unlimited.
His influence, never-ending.

My world will never be the same.

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