Municipio Autš®nomo de Cabo Rojo
Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico

Cabo Rojo, Capital del Turismo Interno. Bienvenidos


Escudo de Cabo Rojo


I've been inspired to try and write lyrics. The last time I attempted to write a song, I was locked up in a psych ward... Emotions are a terrible thing to waste.
**I'd like some constructive criticism**
Thank you!

So you think youre cold hearted...
But I'm guarded
No more shit games
Life's finally farted
I'm tired of the truth being hidden behind those eyes
No more tears, no more lies
Just let me explain how I feel before you destroy me
And toy with me
I take my emotions
And I give it all
Every breath in my body
Every foot that I fall
I try to stand on mountains and scream your name
But God won't let me heal the lame
I sent a letter in jail
No, not asking for bail
But your hand in marriage
And I feel like a miscarriage
Used and abused
By life's Fuckin' attitude
I lose my temper
Makes me look like a fool
God damn what do I gotta do
To show ya that I'm hear
Put down that beer
Gimme a hug
My little love bug

I call out your name at night
When I wake up in a fright
I look for my phone to see your face in the light
I try to fall asleep again
But we all know how it ends
I close my eyes one more time
And I look at the line
In my dreams I'm with you on ride
Holding hands, waiting for people to get off so we can go again
I remember the good days
And try to forget the bad
But its had when I live in my own past
I always tried to treat you right
Kiss your lips, tell you I love you at night.

My systems fail when I fall
And with Mr. "Know it all"
I try my best to become something I never was
To show that I can, not just because
I tried to end my life and I want to go away
But the fact that I love you more everyday.
I try to give you the earth
Cause theres so much you're worth
You're beautiful and I tell you everyday
Or at least try to in some way
You mean everything that has breath lyrics to me
And I threw it away
God as my witness
I take this chance to fix it
To make you feel like I didn't before
I was cut off and shoved out of that door
Well now here I am changed and I'm knocking
I love you.

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         Municipio Autš®nomo de Cabo Rojo Calle Betances #28 Cabo Rojo, P.R.   Tel. 787-851-1025   [email protected]
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