Municipio Autš®nomo de Cabo Rojo
Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico

Cabo Rojo, Capital del Turismo Interno. Bienvenidos


Escudo de Cabo Rojo


(10 THINGS YOU CAN LEARN FROM YOUR top 10 makeup mistakes ARTIST )

1. Healthy Blush
Makeup artists use blush to create an illusion of a healthy flush. It is applied on the apple of the cheek, imitating the result of blood rushing to the surface of the skin. Quite often retouchers make a mistake of color-correcting the blush when evening out the hue shifts on the skin. This results in a flat-looking, colorized skin. You should not remove it altogether, instead gently blend in if you feel its ...

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         Municipio Autš®nomo de Cabo Rojo Calle Betances #28 Cabo Rojo, P.R.   Tel. 787-851-1025   [email protected]
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