Municipio Autš®nomo de Cabo Rojo
Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico

Cabo Rojo, Capital del Turismo Interno. Bienvenidos


Escudo de Cabo Rojo


Ahhh funny moment- bring Mercury Retrograde and all-
My phone keeps calling people without me knowing which is pretty dangerous! An advert just came on TV with the Grease theme song- 'We go we go together lyricsrrrr' And I started singing in a really silly high pitch tone as I abandon any sense of care of how i'm perceived with my brother. (Imagine singing alone in the shower!)
I was then notified by my phone that in fact I had called someone and was singing to them also in my moment of... silliness!!
hahahaha eeeeek. -I've got to admit the singing suddenly came to a quick silence smile emoticon -The person I called is connected to my work - the serious and heavy aspect of healing- a person who is going to be filming me talk about my healing work soon- at first I naturally thought 'Oh shit!' Then I laughed (after a few embarrassing seconds for my ego) -as I realised she may actually find it funny and life shouldn't always be so serious should it?
Wouldn't that be dull. Let's hope she perceives it that way anyway!
I think my life is a comedy sometimes. Perfect timing? The message to apologise will take me to a whole different level of versatile hahah. Zowie smile emoticon

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Grease We go together



         Municipio Autš®nomo de Cabo Rojo Calle Betances #28 Cabo Rojo, P.R.   Tel. 787-851-1025   [email protected]
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