wedding dress back fat

~Every time I try to find transformation pics to share with you - I keep coming back to pictures from 2009! One year after my wedding ????

~I feel like it's pretty common for women to gain weight after the wedding - there's always so much stress leading up to it - with the planning and making sure everything goes perfectly - which it never does wedding dress back fat ????

~We tend to starve ourselves before our wedding to fit into our wedding dress and then after - all bets are off, right!?!?!


~Was it the same experience for you???

~Every time I come across pics from 2009 - all I see is this girl who is so uncomfortable in her own skin, feeling so awkward about herself mentally and physically, hiding true emotions underneath that smile ????

~That green dress I have on in the before picture - it was my SAFE dress, that dress I could wear whenever I felt like nothing else fit or felt comfortable- I held on to that dress for YEARS!!!!

~Even after I started losing weight again - I was scared to let it go, because it was my go to, my FAT dress, my "just in case I gain weight again" dress - you know what I mean??

~I finally got rid of it last year, along with all my other "just in case" clothes - and it was so liberating ????

~Because your true potential lives outside of your comfort zone - and I had to come to terms with the fact that if I wanted to keep moving forward - I had to permanently get rid of safety nets!

~Do you have your "just in case" things?? What's holding you in your safety bubble?? Why are you afraid to LET IT GO???

# transformation
# stepoutsideyourcomfortzone

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